Summer Solstice Arrives

Monday, September 3, 2012

Improv at the Hospital

Last week I was into about my third hour of the rounds as a music minister and as I began to play a tune, I found that I had not only forgotten some of the notes, but I was totally not making any musical sense of the tune--and was starting to jumble at least two together.
I gritted my teeth and tried to recover, but soon realized that it was hopeless and I didn't want to inflict any further musical pain on the staff and patients.
I took a deep breath, stopped and was rewarded by several listeners thanking me for "such beautiful music".
I was rather flabbergasted, but there and then decided to relax and let some music flow and I was so delighted to find music that was music flowing from the harp.
It's been very important for me to be sure and bring music that I hope and pray will offer healing and comfort on my rounds, and until now was not willing to step outside the musical harp box. So glad I did...and I will be doing so some more!

Blessings of music and peace to you all.

Frogs and Bees.

I was out watering this afternoon and in the rose garden I saw a wee tree frog inside one of the yellow roses. I ran back into the house to get my camera, but by the time I had returned to the garden, the frog was on a leaf. So enchanting.

Then onto the herb garden where the bees were, by the dozens, swarming around the flowering herbs. The music and the hum was truly hypnotic. Tried to get a picture of several bees, but was only able to get one bee at a time. I so love September with all of it's wonderful scents, smells and promise of harvest.

May your harvest be fruitful and blessings be yours.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fionnuala Gill - Deus Meus (Adiuva Me)

I have just discovered this wonderful ancient hymn from Dennis Doyle and I am learning it to play at the hospital. This is a wonderful rendition.