Summer Solstice Arrives

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Poem for the Greenman

Found this poem on the Farmer's Almanac newsletter page and thought how perfectly it speaks of the Greenman and the Summer season:

Come ye into the summer woods;
There entereth no annoy;
All greenly wave the chestnut leaves,
And the earth is full of joy.
–Mary Howitt (1799–1888

Speaking of Summer, even though we are having our fair share(and more!) of rain here in the Pacific Northwest, our garden and flowers have all of sudden come wildly into bloom Only three days ago there were no ripe raspberries, but yesterday I picked at least 30 raspberries and there are many more nearly ready to pick. Our strawberries have to be picked or the birds will get them. And in the last 3 or 4 days the snow peas have gone from flower to pods.

Yes, summer is finally here!!



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